Adriana Baroni Santi

Adriana Baroni Santi joined Ulhôa Canto in 1995 and acting until December 2012, as a Counseling Partner. During 1998-1999, joined the USA law firm Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton in New York, for a one year term.

Durign her absence from Ulhôa Canto, she acts, and for the last five years carrying her own law firm. In August 2024, returns to Ulhôa Canto as Consultant Partner to strengthen the coporate practice and M&A department. She graduated from University of São Paulo – USP in 11992, havinge an MBA in Corporate Finance in 2002 at FEA-USP and a master degree in 2022 from Mackenzie University focused on Economic Law (Private Autonomy in Contracts). She took executive courses at Harvard Business School (Leading Professional Services) in 2012 and at MIT – Sloan School of Management (Negotiation for Executives) em 2023.

She has been a member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter, since 1993. Her native language is Portuguese and he is fluent in English.

 She published technical articles by Editora Dialética – Conflitos de Agência na Sociedade por Ações e a Admissão de Voto Plural no Brasil – 2002 (Conflicts of agency at corporations and the launching of dual class share in Brazil), e pela Scortecci Editora – Falhas de Mercado e uma Reflexão sobre a Importância da Regulação para contornar sua ocorrência e efeitos – 2021 (Market Failures and a critical thinking to address their occurrence and effects).


São Paulo